The Process! 

The Process!
I’m working ALL. THE. TIME!!! At this point I’ve given up on the rock to hide behind, and now I’m looking for a mountain to hide under… Good thing Stone Mountain isn’t far away in case things get too crazy and I get desperate! With that being said, I guess I haven’t entirely given up on the idea of hiding behind a rock- I’ve just had to scale the size of the rock, and now it’s for different reasons!!! Because THINGS are CRAZY! It’s getting close and it’s getting real… it’s getting really close! 

On a more positive, optimistic note:
I received and approved my physical proof copy of my book this week!!!

I welcomed a new intern to my team as a marketing/PR specialist! In one day she reached out to 50 bookstores nationwide, and already booked an author event!!! Oh, and by the way she’s my daughter Madelynn- 16 years old! She’s a hard working girl! I’m very happy to have her on our team:) 

Guess what else???
I got short listed (which means they agree to shelf a few copies) in 15 Barnes & Noble stores and counting!!!!! Now I don’t plan to stop cold calling all of the Barnes & Nobles, with the help of my intern chicks, until I’m shelved nationwide! Yesterday I was on back-to-back calls with bookstores all over the USA. I’ve been in contact with Target stores, and I am going through their shelving process! Can’t wait to hear back from them! You can also order Star Fishing on Amazon… In addition to Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and Target, I have been able to secure shelf space in many other stores all over the country, and I plan to continue adding to the list! 

Basically I want this book to be a household book! I want all of the children all around the world to enjoy Star Fishing adventures with their families- I’m spending all of my time making this happen! There is nothing more important for the success of a young child than to feed their imaginations, and books such as Star Fishing will accomplish that goal! 

Want to help me?!?! Here’s how:
Tell your friends about me as an author, share the title Star Fishing with everyone, and request my book in any bookstore/library you’re connected with or visit! I can’t do this without your help, and I’m so thankful for all of the support I’ve received this far!

If you haven’t already, ZOOM! on over and order your copy/copies of Star Fishing today ⭐️



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